Why Poland?

Poland is a fascinating country that serves as the geographical and cultural crossroads of Eastern and Western Europe. Located at the center of the Northern European plain, Poland has been a nation of survivors since the foundation of the first Polish state more than 1000 years ago. Through its turbulent history its people have managed to maintain their identity, and today, the country enjoys a crucial position as the largest of the former Eastern European states and one of the most populous members of the European Union.

Polish university education system has a history of 650 years of educating high profile professionals. It resulted with a profit not only for Poland, but also for many countries all over the world, where the Poles brought their profesionalism and the spirit of innovation. Want some examples? Ignacy Domeyko established the geology research in 19th century Chile. Between 1872 and 1876 Ernest Malinowski built the world’s highest located railroad in Peru. Bronisław Malinowski was a creator of modern anthropology. Ten Nobel Prizes were awarded to Polish artists, scientists and other public figures. Maria Skłodowska-Curie is one of only four laureates to receive a prize twice.

Universities in Poland

More and more students each year are choosing to study abroad in Poland. These students are drawn to its high-quality education institutions, low tuition fees, and equally low cost of living. Read on to discover why you should consider studying abroad in Poland.

Poland plays an active part in the Bologna Process. Owing to the introduction of three-stage education modelled on Bachelor/Master/Doctoral studies as well as the European Credit Transfer System, both Polish students and foreigners studying in Poland stay fully mobile and can continue their education elsewhere in the European Union. Within just the Erasmus Program that has been going on for over 20 years now, over 43,000 foreign students have come to study in Poland while almost 100,000 students from Poland have taken part of their education in another country within the European Union. Foreign students coming to Poland can expect the most attractive and diversified education opportunities meeting high European standards. They can study medicine, biotechnology or engineering, but also art and business. The diploma awarded to them upon graduation is recognised not only Europe-wide but also in key countries of the world.